• Appreciate connectivity, willingness to be one, in order to blossom we have to work together, be honest, authentic
• Blossom is a step in the process, more than an event, let’s interact throughout the year
• Very helpful to hear from conversations, so much good stuff, too hard to absorb it all, looking forward to reviewing via podcast
• Apostles in waiting are ready to be sent, don’t know they can go, Jesus has given them permission to go so let’s send them
• Invited by a friend, encouraged by being at blossom, how do I move forward, watch for God at work, couldn’t go to sleep last night, someone said “we believe in you and want to invest in you”, looking forward to the future memories
• Sidebar conversations are the best, what is caught is best
• Stressing over church planting – don’t worry about planting churches, plant gospel seeds, if God is in it, it will happen even if I am a bad gardener, we can’t create churches – only God can… our job is to water
• Be ready at all times
• Get out of the conference mentality – we have access to each other – blossom through what ever medium we can
• Always ask, what can I do for you? – It sets the tone for relationships and disarms hostility
• The cool thing about being the village idiot is that no one feels threatened by you
• You become what you hum. Movements are set to music. Practical baby steps first.
• Reproducingchurches.com is nothing more than an address to a site that connects and builds people who want to blossom as new church expressions
• Let’s not go plant a church, let’s go be the church into people’s lives
• Paul probably did not know a difference between gospel sowing and church planting
• We don’t need anything to start a church, church is not stuff – church is people
• Don’t under estimate the significance that we have as leaders to simplify the task – we have the power to inspire people if we simply remind them that they are capable of it
• The church will not blossom until people understand that all you have is all you need
• The heart and essence of blossom is releasing the 98% - the things we are talking about are principle based. Blossom is not about the paid clergy. Let’s figure out how to get the 98% together and blossom them
• Blossom is not an end in itself. Many of us get together once a month. We find trust in relationships. We are doing this together. We’ve got to be releasing people. Who are the people in our relational base that we send out and connect them relationally? We know that God is putting this deep passion in our lives for something – not coming to get something, but to give it a way
• Yearning for a day when there is trust, love, commitment and vision for seeing a whole, region, state, nation and world coming to know Christ
• The first thing that has to happen before we can blossom is that we have to die to our selves. A seed has to die before it can blossom. What can I do? Look for opportunities to be a blessing to someone else.
• Blossom has allowed us to process information to increase the likelihood that it will be but into practice.
• What are the next steps?
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